

The Challenge

The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC) is an inner London borough with one of the most densely populated administrative regions in the United Kingdom.

The initial contact with RBKC came as a challenge from the facilities group, they wanted to understand how they used their space and who used the space.  The team wanted both utilisation information and a means to allow their staff to book meeting rooms as well as desks.  This all fell under their new “Workwell” programme.

But there was a catch, they didn’t want their staff to have to log into a portal, sign in or swipe their security passes to book the desk.  “Staff should just be able to sit down at a desk that is free and they would be booked in at that desk”.

The Solution

Spaceology provided the solution with a combination of their existing sensor technology and a bespoke system that needed to be created from scratch:

Sensor Technology

Implement the sensor technology to each desk and to the meeting and collaboration spaces. Developed an RFID solution that would enable staff to book the desk they sit at, this required an RFID antenna located at each desk and laptops with RFID tags

People (GDPR) and Tags

The RFID tag data was managed by Spaceology with the names associated with the tags held by RBKC to comply to GDPR regulations. The 3rd party booking system brought the data together

Secure API's

Spaceology integrated the occupancy and utilisation data to support the 3rd party booking system through our secure API’s

Results and Benefits

Benefits realised for this project during implementation were:
Accurate Live/Historic Data

...of actual space use and points of peak utilisation as well as environmental information on the office and meeting room comfort

Ease of Use meet the challenge set by RBKC for effortless desk booking

Covid Safe Management

...providing a traffic light system for toilets to raise awareness of capacity breaches

Ongoing support

...for the Workwell programme, providing key insights for the return to work initiative

Project Highlights


RBKC continues to use the Spaceology systems to support their “Workwell” programme :


A combination of standard sensors and bespoke RFID tags and antennas to support effortless booking

Measure over time

Support design decisions for the new workplace programme, relocating sensors as design change

Real time data

Using our API's we securely transfer data through our API's

Actual usage

Meeting spaces will be redesigned based on the measured occupancy levels of meetings

Cost avoidance

As people return to work the opportunity will be to optimise the space using fact based data analysis

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